Помогите, пожалуйста, 4 и 5​



Ответ дал: plrlppsnlel


4)The Union Jack,[note 1][2][3] or Union Flag, is the de facto national flag of the United Kingdom. Although no law has been passed making the Union Jack the official national flag of the United Kingdom, it has effectively become such through precedent. It is sometimes asserted that the term Union Jack properly refers only to naval usage, which assertion has been dismissed by the Flag Institute in 2013

5)2) вопросу ответ:patron saint, saint to whose protection and intercession a person, a society, a church, or a place is dedicated. The choice is often made on the basis of some real or presumed relationship with the persons or places involved. St.

3)The national colours of the United Kingdom are usually identified as the combination of red, white and blue in that order.

Обьяснение: на 5 вопросе 2 вопроса

annatrukhanovich10: спасибо А на 5 вопрос есть ответ?
annatrukhanovich10: в 5 2 вопрос это сказать кто это, а ты ответил(а) термин этого слова:)
annatrukhanovich10: имя именно
annatrukhanovich10: нужно вроде
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