present simple,present continuous,present perfect and past simple. open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form:
1) where is John? He (play) football in the yard.
2) i (not like) the picture you (look) at now.
3) he (read) books in three languages, and now he (read) a french novel.
4) she usually (do) her homework at home, but now she (do) it at the library.
5) he (not answer) my letter yet.
6) i can't give you this book as i (give) it to Ann.
7) it is a cold today. The weather (change) since yesterday.
8) my mother (go) to the country a month ago.
9) look! How many birds (fly) high up in the air!
10) run downstairs ! Your uncle (wait) for you!
11) the sun (rise) in the east.
12) where ... you (be) this morning? I rang you up several times before midday.
13) it (snow) so we must stay indoors.
14) i ... just (meet) your uncle.
15) i ... never (see) such a mess like this!
16) during this last century, scientist (invent) many things.
17) wait a minute! I ... (not finish) my meal yet!
18) Columbus (reach) the West Indies in 1492.
19) i (lose) my spectacles, do help me to find them.
20) leave me alone, i (work).
21) every year he (spend) his holidays in france.
22) what a noise! What on earth ... (happen)?
22) you (meet) him last night? I (not see) him for three weeks.
23) Tom is a good student and he (learn) a lot this year.
24) ... you ever (see) Mrs. Orfrey? No? Then let me introduce you to her.
25) a hero is a person who (show) magnificent courage.
26) at this moment we (do) an exercise on tenses.
заранее огромное спасибо!!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: angelina01010


1. is playing

2. don't like, are looking

3. reads, is reading

4. does, is doing

5. hasn't answered

6. gave

7. has changed

8. went

9. are flying

10. is waiting

11. rises

12. were

13. is snowing

14. have just met

15. have never seen

16. has invented

17. haven't finished

18. reached

19. lost

20. am working

21. spends

22. is happening

23. has learnt

24. have you ever seen

25. shows

26. are doing

honeyluw: вааааааааааааааааааааа спасибо огромное!!!!!!!!!!!!!
honeyluw: а 12 там просто where??
honeyluw: и у меня там нечайно 22) получилось 2 раза можешь решить и второе?
honeyluw: пожалуйста!!
angelina01010: 12. where were you…
angelina01010: did you meet..? I haven’t seen…
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