Make up questions and let your fellow-students answer them​



Ответ дал: candynelly


What is-the tettitory\Ukraine\The population\the highest body...?

What are-The achievemants...\the main rivers...?

1- the territory of U is in the eastern part of Europe next to the Russian Federation.

2-Ukraine is rich in crops

3-the population ofUkraine is over 43 mln people

4-The highest body is the president

5-The most notable achievement of Korolyov's missile era

6-The most notable rivers of Ukraine include the: Danube, Dnieper, and the Dniester.

7-no, it's not

8-yes, it is

9-yes, it is

10-yes, it is

11-yes, it is

12-ys, it is

13yes, it is


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