Английский 8 класс
Task 3 (14 points).
Choose the correct modal verb.
1.The sign says that we may/could not park here.
2.She might/could help if she knew the truth.
3.It can/might be cold tomorrow.
4.He may/cannot be Italian with a name like Smith!
5.He can/could have been one who started the fire but we are not really sure.
6.Last week we must/had to attend his classes.
7.You haven’t seen your granny for ages! You must/had to visit her today.
8.She can’t see very well so she has to/had to wear contact lenses.
9.Fortunately, I won’t must/have to translate this text into Chinese.
10.He have to/has to answer his questions or he won’t get this job.


Ответ дал: ded93inside
1. Could
2. Might
3. Can
4. May
5. Can
6 must
7 must
8 had
9 must
10 has to
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