Fill in the gaps with the prepositions of time.

1) Was Easter ____ May last year?

2) Is your birthday____ summer?

3) I'm going to have a party

______ the weekend.

4) I usually come home

_____ three o'clock.

5) I usually take a shower _____ the evening.

6) | usually tidy my room ______ Sunday.


Ответ дал: coladiet866


1. Was Easter in May last year?

2. Is your birthday in summer?

3. I'm going to have a party at the weekend.

4. I usually come home at three o'clock.

5. I usually take a shower in the evening.

6. I usually tidy my room on Sunday.

coladiet866: буду благодарна, если пометишь, как лучший =))
Politelenovayz: <3
Ответ дал: coileee


1) Was Easter in May last year?

2) Is your birthday in summer?

3) I'm going to have a party at the weekend.

4) I usually come home at three o'clock.

5) I usually take a shower in the evening.

6) | usually tidy my room on Sunday.

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