Card 2. Talk about the topic 'Our neighbourhood'. The following questions will help you to organize your talk: 1) Do you like the neighbourhood? 2) Where is the best place to eat in your city/village/country? 3) What is the best attraction in your city/village? 4) What are popular natural places in your neighbourhood? 5) Where is the best place to shop in your city/village?​


Ответ дал: kn394396


I like my area, because there are a lot of well-mannered and kind people, many beautiful and large buildings. The best place to eat is in one cafe, which is located in my "Gulder" area. The best attraction in my city is Medeu, Golden Man, Shymbulak, etc. The most popular natural place in my area is the 28 Panfilovs park, because there are a lot of trees and it is very beautiful

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