5 Read the text about the traditional dance in Ukraine. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form. The Traditional Dance of Ukraine Ukrainian musical culture (1) ..... (to have) its roots in the ancient Slavic music. As a result, most Ukrainian music and dance (2) ..... (to asso- ciate) with the folk calendar, harvest, and life-cycle events. Many life-cycle songs, especially wedding songs, (3) ..... (to base) on dance rhythms. One of the examples of such a dance (4) ..... (to be) “Arcan” (“The Lasso"). The Ukrainian music (5) ..... (to play) on the violin, tsymbaly, kobza, bandura, torban, and bagpipes. Many of the dynamic and colourful folk dances of Ukraine (6) ..... (to reflect) a rural or Cossack lifestyle. The oldest dances (7) ..... (to be) the khorovody, the agricultural dance games which (8) ..... (to associate) with the cult of the sun. Originally, folk dances (9) ..... (either / to accompany) by songs or by instruments. Introduced in the late 19th century, classical ballet (10) .... (to develop) under the European influence and (11) ..... (to attain) high standards. Ukraine (12) ..... (to have) six theatres for opera and ballet performances.


Ответ дал: pkn048


1) has
2) are associated
3) is based
4) is
5) is played
6) reflect
7) are
8) was associated
9) are either accompanied
10)was developed
11) attained
12) has

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