. Use the verbs in the correct forms. 1. I (go/goes ) to school every day. 2. I (help/helped) my sister yesterday. 3. Boys (are reading/reads) a book now. 4. She (go/goes) to the cinema every day. 5. I (don't/doesn't) meet with my friend on Mondays. 6. We ( see/saw) our friends two days ago. 7. He (is playing/ plays) football now. 8. I (play/ will play) basketball tomorrow. 9. Look! He (runs/is running) fast! 10.1 (have/has) already watched this film.​


Ответ дал: yavorhog


1 I go 2 I helped 3 are reading 4 goes 5 don't 6 saw 7 is playing 8 will play 9 is running 10 have


Ответ дал: taisiia09021983t


1 I go to school every day. 2 I helped my sister yesterday. 3 Boys are reading a book now. 4 She goes to the cinema every day. 5 I don't meet with my friend on Mondays. 6 We saw our friends two days ago. 7 He is playing football now. 8 I will play basketball tomorrow. 9 Look! He is running fast! 10.1 Have already watched this film.


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