I. Put some or any
Is there ……. milk in the cup?
I have ….… books on the desk
I don’t have …….. sisters, but I have ……. brothers.

II. Put much or many
4. How ….. milk do you drink every day?
5. There are ….potatoes on the plate.
6. Have we got any bottles of cola? – Not ….
III. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple
7. Children often … (come) to the museum.
8. He …(not play) the guitar
9. She ….. (watch) video on Sundays
10. Where ….. your friend….(live)?
11. We …..(not go) shopping at the weekend.
12. What ….you usually…..(have) for breakfast?


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


I. Put some or any

Is there any milk in the cup?

I have some books on the desk

I don’t have any sisters, but I have some brothers.

II. Put much or many

4. How much milk do you drink every day?

5. There are many potatoes on the plate.

6. Have we got any bottles of cola? – Not any.

III. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple

7. Children often come to the museum.

8. He does not play the guitar

9. She watches video on Sundays.

10. Where does your friend  live?

11. We do not go shopping at the weekend.

12. What do you usually  have for breakfast?


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