Даю 100 баллов, решите контрольную:
1) Завершите предложения, используя past perfect.

1) Roy (to finish) classes by 4 p.m. yesterday .

2) Ann (to have) breakfast by 9 a.m. yesterday .

3) I saw Helen yesterday, she (not to change) a bit.

4) When I came home, my mum (to cook) dinner.

5) Steve (to buy) some sportswear by the time Nick met him.

2. Образуйте новые слова( с учётом тех правил по словообразованию, которые мы изучали)

Athlete, biology, wonder, jump, nature

3. Раскройте скобки. Запишите глаголы в past simple/past perfect.

1) When I (to meet) John, I (to understand) that I (not to meet) him before.

2) They (to go) home after the film (to finish)

3) The children (to go) to the skating rink as soon as they (return) from the museum.

4) Sue (to like) the new game though she never (to play) it before.

5) By the end of the Olympic Games our team (to win) ten medal.


Ответ дал: leramust21


1) had finished

2) had

3) hadn't changed

4) had cooked

5) had bought


1) athletic 2) biological 3) wonderful 4) jumping 5) natural


1) 1) When I met John, I understood that I had seen him before.

2) they went home after the film had finished.

3) The children went to the skating rink as soon as they had returned from the museum.

4) Sue liked the new game though she had never played it before.

5) By the end of the Olympic Games the national team had won 12 medals.

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