III. Complete with the correct question tags:
1. He has already been to the doctor,F?e Format APIs

2. They will buy the prescribed medicine at the chemist's, ?

3. The doctor checked your temperature, ?

4. Specialists usually work in medical centres, ?

5. A healthy life style helps you to keep fit, ____?

IV. Open the brackets with the help of Past Tenses:

1. I (to sweep) the floor, (to clean) the blackboard, (to water) the flowers, (to turn off) the light and (to leave) the classroom.

2. By eight o'clock yesterday (to do) my homework and at eight I (to play) the piano.

3. The girl (to be) glad that she (to find) a seat near the window

4. When (to come) home they (to drink) tea.​​​


Ответ дал: JesusLovesYouu
1) He has already been to the doctor , hasn’t he ?
2) They will buy the prescribed medicine at the chemists , won’t they ?
3) The doctor checked your temperature , didn’t he ?
4) Specialists usually work in medical centres , doesn’t they ?
5) A healthy lifestyle helps you to keep fit , doesn’t it ?

IV .
1) I swept the floor , cleaned the blackboard , watered the flowers , turned off the light and left the classroom .

2) By eight o’clock yesterday I did my homework and at eight I played the piano .

3) The girl was glad that she found a seat near the window .

4) When I came home they drank tea.

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