Write the verbs between brackets in the correct tense:
1 When I ( look )___ at them , they ( play )____ 2____ you ( ever / meet ) a famous actor ? 3 They ( sell )___their old car two years ago.4 . Tom's sister ( go )___to school on Sundays. 5 . They not ( have to )___work a lot last years.6 . He ( have ) __ some problems for years.7. I ( meet )___ her before she(become)__Miss Universe.8. Yesterday I ( watch )___TV for hours.9. You said you ( help )___a lot of people in the war. 10 I( not / come )__to work if I (have)__a cold yesterday.11 I thought it ( will )__be funny. 12. He said he ( visit )___Mary the following day.13. Tom said he ( live )__in England since 1975.14. If I had a lot of money , I ( not / have to ) __work.15. I ( not miss )__my train if I had left earlier. 16. If you ( tell )__me the truth, I would help you.17. Tom will help you if you ( ask )__him.18. We were very tired , because we ( play )__tennis all morning.19. He said he ( wait )__sinse4:00A.M.20____(you/ever/visit) Made me Linda? . 21. If they ( arrive )__on time, they'll call us. 22 : While I ( watch )___TV, my brother came. 23. I wish we ( not / miss )__the bus yesterday.24. Jane would help you if you ( ask )___her.25. I( buy )___this house two months ago. 26. Tom should ( open )___the door when he saw me.27. I can't buy this dress now . I wish I ( have )__more money. 28. If you ( listen )___to him,you would have learnt a lot. 29. Mary said they ( go ) ___to Italy next summer.. 30. Thanks God ! 1 ( to finish , just )___the tense.


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