Complete the sentences.
2. It .... a small car, but it .... four doors.
a) is, is b) has, is c) is, has
8. They … tennis every week.
a) plays b) play c) playing
9. Who.....to take part in our concert?
a) does want b) do want c) want d) wants
10. Our mum … already … a cake.
a) has … cooked b) cooked c) is cooking
11. My sister … play the piano very well.
a) could to b) can to c) can
12. … my brother … a song tomorrow?
a) Will… sang b) Will … sing c) Do … sing


Ответ дал: kirpotazena1

2. It has a small car, but it is four doors.  8. They playing tennis every week. 9. Who do want to take part in our concert? 10. Our mum has already cooked a cake.                                                                        

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