Test Writing 6
Choose the correct item

1. Brendan has got a …….. brother.
A) double В) twice C) twin
2. It’s my birthday ……. 5th August.
A) at В) in C) on
3. The ……… is in the kitchen.
A) bathtub В) fridge C) bookcase
4. There is……food in the cupboard.
A) any В) a C) some
5. June is the ……. month of the year.
A) sixth В) six C) sixteen
6. I can drive a car but I ……. fly a plane.
A don’t know B) can’t C) can to
7. Do you ……… your teeth every day?
A) wash B) brush C) do
8. Does he …….. history at school?
A) teaches B) teach C) teaching
9. John is very worried ……… his son.
A) at B) about C) of
10. Frank …….. his homework at the moment.
A) is making B) is doing C) does


Ответ дал: alexandr2002130


1. С

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. B

7. B

8. B

9. B

10. B


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