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На английском языке с переводом

написать сообщение своему другу в Британию(Анне) о себе, своей семье и т. д​


Ответ дал: alibekaktananov438


Hello John. I decided to write you a letter. After all, you said that you do not know anything about our country.

I decided to tell you a little about her.

I'll start my story with the fact that Russia is a very large, majestic country with a rich history. Russia is a multinational country, it is home to a huge number of nationalities: Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Mordovians, Chuvashs, Yakuts, etc.

Having visited Russia, you would remember it for a long time.

We have very beautiful nature. In Russia, there are various landscapes. It could be the highest mountains

Elukmanova628: большое спасибо)
alibekaktananov438: ))
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