Помните плиз это легко но я всё забыл
Дам 50 баллов



Ответ дал: kirillregetsiy
  1. He didnt watch TV.
  2. He didnt see the film.
  3. They didnt play tennis.
  4. She didnt study Italian.
  5. She didnt teach Italian.
  6. She didnt speak Italian.
  7. They didnt have a party.
  8. He didnt leave a message.
  9. She didnt send an email.
  10. They didnt do the exercise.
  1. Did he catch a butterfly?
  2. Did he buy a printer?
  3. Did he fight against them?
  4. Did he teach maths at school?
  5. Did he find the information?
  6. Did he wear a tie?

vladimirmarusicenko9: Когда вы все ответите я кому-то дам корону
kirillregetsiy: спасибо за корону
Ответ дал: coileee


1. He didn't watch TV.

2. He didn't see the film.

3. They didn't play tennis.

4. She didn't study Italian.

5. She didn't teach Italian.

6. She didn't speak Italian.

7. They didn't have a party.

8. He didn't leave a message.

9. She didn't send an email.

10. They didn't do the exercise.


1. Did he catch a butterfly?

2. Did he buy a printer?

3. Did he fight against them?

4. Did he teach Maths at school?

5. Did he find the information?

6. Did he wear a tie?

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