1. Прочитай, переклади та обери з дужок потрібне.
I’m in the fifth form now. At my school we
(have/has) ..... six lessons a day, three in the morning and
three in the afternoon. This year we (are studying/study) ..... thirteen
subjects! Monday morning (is/are) ..... terrible. We have
Maths for two lessons and then the Nature Study
lesson. Monday afternoon is nice: we have two lessons of English and then Music. Tuesday is my favourite day.
We have History and English in the morning and then Computer
Studies and Art. On Wednesday we have the PE lesson in the
afternoon. It’s my favourite subject. I (like/liked) ..... Wednesday afternoon! Thursday is difficult. I (

don’t like /doesn't like) ..... like German but it’s useful.
Friday is OK because it is the last day of the school week.
Saturday and Sunday (is/were) ..... great fun!

2.Утвори заперечне (-) та питальне (?) речення з поданого нижче стверджувального.
+ It’s my favourite subject.

3. Прочитай та переклади речення. З'ясуй і напиши в якому граматичному часі воно. Утвори з нього минулий (Past Simple) та майбутній (Future) час. Запиши та надішли фото виконаних вправ мені.
We have Maths for two lessons and then the Nature Study lesson.


Ответ дал: eva156359


have, are studying, are, like,


Ответ дал: diana9089

have, study, are, like, don’t like, were


Isn't my favorite subject


We had Maths for two lessons and then the Nature Study lesson

We will have for two lessons and then the Nature Study lesson
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