ДАМ 50 БАЛІВ !!!!!!!!

6 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use ONE or TWO words.

1 Can you tell me if you’re coming at the weekend?Can you ____________________ know if you’re coming at the weekend?

2 Jackie was very angry when she spoke to me yesterday.Jackie spoke ____________________ to me yesterday.

3 From what you’ve said, Jumpers is a really funny film.Jumpers ____________________ like a really funny film.

4 The singers on the TV show were brilliant.The singers performed ____________________ on the TV show last night.

5 Tim works harder than any other student in our class.Tim works the ____________________ of all the students in our class.

6 I like going swimming more than watching TV.I’d ____________________ to go swimming rather than watch TV.

7 John cycled too fast on his bike, so he fell off.John didn’t cycle ____________________ enough, so he fell off.

8 You really need to take more care!Just ____________________ more careful!

9 I’m really pleased you helped me.Thanks for ____________________ me.

10 My dad’s got a desktop computer and a laptop.My dad’s got a laptop as ____________________ as a desktop computer.​


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


1 Can you tell me if you’re coming at the weekend?

Can you let me know if you’re coming at the weekend?

2 Jackie was very angry when she spoke to me yesterday.

Jackie spoke angrily to me yesterday.

3 From what you’ve said, 'Jumpers' is a really funny film.

'Jumpers' sounds like a really funny film.

4 The singers on the TV show were brilliant.

The singers performed brilliantly on the TV show last night.

5 Tim works harder than any other student in our class.

Tim works the hardest of all the students in our class.

6 I like going swimming more than watching TV.

  I’d prefer to go swimming rather than watch TV.

7 John cycled too fast on his bike, so he fell off.

John didn’t cycle slow enough, so he fell off.

8 You really need to take more care!

 Just be more careful!

9 I’m really pleased you helped me.

  Thanks for helping me.

10 My dad’s got a desktop computer and a laptop.

  My dad’s got a laptop as well as a desktop computer.​


Нужно дополнить предложение одним-двумя словами, чтобы сохранить смысл исходного предложения. Для этого нужно знать правила сочетания слов и устойчивые речевые конструкции.

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