1)She ___ in her room at the moment.  
A studies
B has studied
C study
D is studying
2)Where ___ you grow up?
A are
B have
C did
D were
3)I haven’t got ___ information about the new teacher.
A an
B any
C some
D no
4)He’s the ___ man in the country.
A most rich
B richer
C more rich
D richest
5)I’m not ___ as my best friend.
A older
B as old
C oldest
D the older
6)We ___ listening to classical music sometimes.
A don’t mind
B can’t like
C don’t stand
D would like
7)___ the new Harry Potter film yet? 
A Have you seen
B Did you see
C Do you see
D Are you seeing
8)He’s ___ passed his driving test.
A already
B yet
C ever
D always
9)I’ve looked ___ , but I can’t find my keys.
A anything
B every place
C nowhere
D everywhere
10)Here’s the hotel ___ we’re staying.
A which
B where
C that
D whose
11)I got up ___ the doorbell rang.
A for
B during
C while
D when
12)I haven’t been there ___ years.
A since
B for
C during
D after
13)I ___ talk until I was three years old. 
A can’t
B couldn’t
C mightn’t
D mustn’t
14)They ___ on the computer when it crashed.
A were playing
B have played
C are playing
D play
15)___ you ever been skydiving before?
A Did
B Are
C Have
D Were
16)Hurry up! We haven’t got ___ time.
A a little
B many
C much
D few
17)The furniture ___ in China.
A makes
B made
C is made
D is making
18)You ___ to come with me if you don’t want to.
A can’t
B mustn’t
C don’t have
D don’t
19)They speak neither Spanish ___ French. A or
B and
C but
D nor
20)I ___ the concert tickets last week.
A buy
B bought
C have bought
D did buy
21)I think I ___ at home this evening. 
A will stay
B staying
C going to stay
D stay
22)Helen ___ to school when it started to rain.
A was walking
B walked
C has walked
D is walking
23)Penicillin ___ by Alexander Fleming.
A discovered
B was discovering
C was discovered
D has discovered
24)___ the film was good, I think the book was better.
A Even
B Although
C However
D Actually
25)This equipment ___ by the doctor.
A is using
B used
C uses
D is used
26)The letters___ last Monday. Where are they?
A sent
B were sending
C were sent
D have sent
27)Is this the place ___ you lost your purse?
A which
B where
C here
D there
28)He’s the boy ___ can speak Chinese.
A that he
B whose
C who he
D who
29)Why ___ there on your own?
A you go
B did you went
C did you go
D you went
30)What’s the ___ film you’ve seen this year?
A best
B good
C most good
D better
31)I don’t know ___ to give the money to – there’s no one here.
A where
B what
C who
D how
32)He ___ here since 1990.
A lives
B lived
C has lived
D was living
33)I ___ Phoebe tomorrow. Do you want to come?
A visit
B can visit
C am going to visit
D will visit​


Ответ дал: kseniabilinec


1) is studying 2) did 3) any 4) richest 5) as old 6) don't mind 7) did you see 8) already 9) everywhere 10) where 11) when 12) for 13) could 14) were playing 15) have 16) much 17) made 18) don't have 19) or 20) bought 21) will stay 22) was walking 23) was discovered 24) actually 25) is used 26) were sent 27) where 28) who 29) did you go 30) best 31) how 32) lived 33) am going to visit

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