Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

1. Dylan and I usually ......... (stay) at home on Saturdays, but this Saturday we ......... (take) part in a marathon.
A: What ......... you .........(do)? Are you busy?
B: Not really. I ........ (read) a magazine. Why?
A: Well, I really .......... (need) your help
B: OK. I ......... (come).​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


1. Dylan and I usually stay at home on Saturdays, but this Saturday we are taking part in a marathon.

  • usually (обычно) - Present Simple
  • this Saturday ( а в эту субботу, не так как обычно. т.е. временно) - Present Progressive

2. A: What are you doing? Are you busy?

  • Что ты делаешь? (именно сейчас ) - Present Progressive

B: Not really. I am reading a magazine. Why?

  • Я читаю журнал (именно сейчас) - Present Progressive

A: Well, I really need your help

  • Модальный глагол need нельзя с "ing" - Present Simple

B: OK. I am coming.

  • Иду. (сейчас) - Present Progressive

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