помогите пожалуйсто 40 балов

1) I …. to school yesterday.

a) went b) go c)goes

2) She …..the piano every day.

a) play b) playing c) plays

3) There is … cheese in the pizza.

a) much b) many c) any

4) What's … address

a) you b) your c) yours

5) Dima …. speak English 5 years ago.

a) don’t b) didn’t c) doesn’t

6) This is … room.

a) childrens' b) children c) children's

7) ……she watching TV now?

a) is b) are c) am

8) We ate ice-cream and cakes ……party.

a) every b) at the moment c) last

9) ……Bob wash the dog yesterday?

a) Do b) Does c) Did

10) I …… reading a book now.

a) am b) are c) is

11) There is a fireplace … his living-room.

a) behind b) in c) in front of

12) We can see …..cat. The cat is white.

a) an b) a c) the

13) I plant a tree. ….. tree is green.

a) an b) a c) the

14) There are a lot of yellow … on the ground.

a) leafs b) leaves c) leaves

15) …. are Tom's rulers.

a) that b) this c) those

16) This is … brother. He loves … very much.

a) his…him b) his,…his c) him…his

17) We …..cooking a dinner now.

a) is b) are c) am

18) You … touch animals in the Zoo.

a) must b) mustn't c) can't

19) How …. tomatoes do we have? – We haven’t ….

a) much, any b)many, any c) many, some

20) There is a big poster… the wall in Tom's room.

a) on b) in c) under


Ответ дал: lavenders0app
1. go
2. plays
3. much
4. your
5. didn’t
7. is
8. last
10. am
11. in front
12. a
13 the
14. leaves
15. those
16. a. his him
17. are
18. mustn’t
19. b. many any
20. on

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