Більшість речень нижче містять помилки. Знайдіть і
виправте їх. На початку є приклад (0).

0 both And John and his wife like music.
1 Not John not his wife can speak English.
2 Or John or his wife will come to the party.
3 Neither cats nor dogs don’t like salt.
4 Either uncle or aunt don’t enjoy riding a bike.
5 And trees and flowers need water.
6 There haven’t either pens or pencils in the bag.
7 Neither magazines nor newspapers don’t sold here.
8 Both Jane and her grandmother can knit.
9 Birds and airplanes can fly either.
10 Neither father nor mother won’t be at home tonight.


Ответ дал: anna220067
0 Both John and his wife like music.
1 Neither John nor his wife can speak English.
2 Either John or his wife will…
3 Neither cats nor dogs like salt.
4 правильне
5 Both trees and flowers need water.
6 правильне
7 Neither magazines nor newspapers are sold here.
8 правильне
9 Both birds and airplanes can fly.
10 Neither father nor mother will be at home tonight.
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