Пожалуйста помогите!! Поставьте глагол в нужное время, раскрыв скобки.

1. When Bruce (to do) karate yesterday, he (to take) a shower and (to go) home.
2. Before they (to get married) they (to date) for 2 years.
3. Rose (to say) to me yesterday that she (to travel) by sea at this time next year.
4. This dress (to be) awful. I (to feel) stupid in it!
5. While we (to stay) at this hotel last weekend, somebody (to steal) my camera.
6. I (to be) very hungry. I think I (to order) all the menu!
7. Jeremy (to tell) me last week that he (to make) this wooden box by the end of October.
8. My legs hurt. I (to exercise) all morning.
9. I (to be/never) to Rome. My dream (to be) to visit this city.
10. What (you/to do) at 7 o'clock yesterday? — I (to prepare) for my test.


Ответ дал: tucktuk
1) *had done*..... *took* ..... *went* ....
2) *got married* ....*had dated*....
3) *said* ,... *would be travelling*....
4) *is* .... *feel* ....
5) *were staying* ..... *stole* ....
6) *am* .... *will order* ....
7) *told* ..... *would have made*...
8) *have been exercising*
9) *have never been* .... *is* ....
10) *were you doing* .....*was preparing*....

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