5 A,B,C
School 4
1.Read the email below and mark the sentences as T (true) or F (false).- Прочитайте письмо и отметьте предложения T – верно, F- неверно.
Dear Joy,
How are you? It’s my birthday next Saturday and I’m having a party at my house. Why don’t you come? We always have a great time!
I usually decorate my house with a lot of colourful balloons and we all play some great party games such as Simon Says, Twenty Questions and many more.
Then, there’s the food. My mother is a great cook and she makes a lot of delicious food! We usually have pizza with ham, bacon, mushrooms and peppers, ham and cheese or tuna sandwiches and different kinds of salads. There is always a lot of coke, orange and apple juice to drink, and my birthday cake of course. I love chocolate so it’s always a chocolate cake.
So, I really hope you can make it! The party starts at six. Don’t be late!
e.g. Joy’s birthday is next Saturday _F_
1.Helen decorates the house with balloons. ____
2.Simon Says is a party game. ____
3.Helen cooks the food. ____
4.There is only one salad. ____
5.Helen doesn’t like chocolate ____

помогите срочно пожалуйста срок сегодня дам 30 баллов пожалуйста надеюсь на вас!)


Ответ дал: viktorialahmanec


1. T










urevamasa5: спасибо большое я потом скажу какую оценку с твоей помощью смогла получить!)
urevamasa5: но что за точки?
viktorialahmanec: нужно было больше 20 символов написать
viktorialahmanec: вот и точки поставила
Вас заинтересует
8 лет назад