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Use Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect.
1. Joe … (to walk) home when he … (to see) an accident.
2. I … (to drive) home when it … (to start) to rain.
3. When my mother … (to get) home, I … (to play) computer games.
4. The teacher … (to correct) the homework when I … (to come).
5. I … (to hurt) my leg when I … (to climb) a tree.
6. I … (to break) my tooth when I … (to eat).
7. When she … (to arrive) the match already … (to start).
8. She … (to go) to work after she … (to feed) the cat.
9. I … (to go) to bed after I … (to finish) my homework.
10. By nine that evening, most of the guests already … (to leave) the
11. He … (to be) in hospital for days before I … (to hear) about the
12. After Fred … (to spend) his holiday in Italy he … (to decide) to learn


Ответ дал: TatyanaNT


1. Joe was walking home when he saw an accident.

2. I was driving home when it started to rain.

3. When my mother got home, I was playing computer games.

4. The teacher was correcting the homework when I came.

5. I hurt my leg when I was climbing a tree.

6. I broke my tooth when I was eating.

7. When she arrived the match had already started.

8. She went to work after she had fed the cat.

9. I went to bed after I had finished my homework.

10. By nine that evening, most of the guests had already left the


11. He had been in hospital for days before I heard about the


12. After Fred had spent his holiday in Italy he decided to learn



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