Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1. Please remember to write your ___ address at the top of the letter.
A house B street C home
2. The national ___ of Scotland is “haggis” – a kind of spicy meat sausage.
A meal B dish C food
3. She can’t be called attractive but she is warm-hearted and ____.
A generous B beautiful C rude
4. There is no doubt that television is one of the most popular forms of _____.
A entertainment B engagement C advertisement
5. Let’s take a ___ to Mount Vesuvius this summer!
A travel B trip C journey
6. Compare prices at different shops to be sure you are getting a ___.
A sale B purchase C bargain
7. I never carry much ____ with me, just enough for lunch and my bus fare.
A cheque B cash C notes
8. What is your ____? How much money do you earn?
A salary B fare C change
1. Parents must make sure that their children get a proper ____.
A vocation B tuition C education
2. I have been looking for a___ for 3 months but without much success so far.
A work B job C occupation


Ответ дал: kurochkinadiiii


1. street

2. meal

3. genetous

4. advertisement

5. journey

6. sale

7. cash

8. fare

1. education

2. job


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