Use the necessary Tense :
a ) Her car ( to break ) down yesterday while she ( to drive ) to work . b ) I ( to see ) my friend in the street yesterday , but he ( to run ) for a bus and he ( not to have ) time to speak to me . c ) Last night we ( to go ) to a café to meet our friends . d ) Your grandmother ( to sleep ) when you ( to come ) home yesterday ? e ) What you ( to do ) at three o'clock yesterday ? - I ( to have ) dinner


Ответ дал: lera8364


a ) Her car broke down yesterday while she was driving to work .
b ) I saw my friend in the street yesterday , but he was running for a bus and he didn't have time to speak to me .
c ) Last night we went to a café to meet our friends .
d ) Was your grandmother sleeping when you came home yesterday ?
e ) What were you doing at three o'clock yesterday ? - I was having dinner


Past Simple - единичное или регулярное действие в прошлом
Past Continuous - процесс в прошлом, акцент на длительности действия

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