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Complete the sentences below with the correct form of these words:

avalanche, drought, earthquake, flood, forest fire, hurricane, landslide, famine, disease, volcano

1.________have been burning for three weeks in Indonesia and have destroyed thousands of hectares of forest.

2. One of the most infectious _______is Ebola, which kills its victims extremely quickly.

3. The harvest in Afghanistan has failed four years due to a terrible ________ which has affected most of the country.

4. Bangladesh is' regularly hit by ______ caused by heavy rain in the monsoon period.

5. The small island of Montserrat in the Caribbean was almost wiped out by ________which erupted a few years ago.

6. Three skiers were killed yesterday by an ______in a Swiss mountain resort.

7. A district of the capital of El Salvador was wiped out by a ________due to heavy rain and the cutting of trees.

8. A major ________is expected in California in the next few years and special building regulations have been introduced to minimize loss of human life.

9. The _______ in this part of Africa has been caused by drought and

harvest failure as well as the continuing civil war.

A ________ is due to hit the coast of Florida this evening and residents are being evacuated from coastal areas.


Ответ дал: mashastyles


1. forest fire

2. disease

3. drought

4. flood

5. volcano

6. avalanche

7. landslide

8. earthquake

9. famine

10. hurricane

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