Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple , the present simple or the present continuous​



Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj
2. Are you doing anything on Friday morning?
3. I am going to the cinema.... What time does the film start?
4. Helen is having a party the day after tomorrow. Are you going?
5. The new exhibition will be opened on April 3rd and finished on May 31st. I know I am going on the first day.
6. Aunt Maggi is coming to visit us tomorrow. I know. What time will she arrive?
7. ...what time does the train leave?
8. Michael Jackson is giving a concert at the Olympic Stadium next week.
I know. I want to get a ticket.
9. I'm really thirsty.
I will get you a glass of water.
10.Yes. I hope everyone will enjoy it.

. Объяснение:

low26: Здравствуйте!Помогите пожалуйста с английским.Очень надо
10853: Помоги с английским, пожалуйста ^_^
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