Скласти речення з кожним словом.
waste - відходи
through -викидати
damage- пошкодження
drop -впустити з рук(уронить)
rubbish -сміття
danger- небезпека
consume споживати
renewable відновлюваний
reduce зменшити
reusing повторне використання
reworking переробка


Ответ дал: sofiiaua07


I wasted a lot of time.

We threw some fruit.

There were so many damaged buildings.

She has droped her phone.

We have very dirty ocean due to rubbish.

There is dander in you country due to the war.

Our world consumes a lot of plastic.

We will renewable our house after the war.

She reduced eating sweets.

I reusing my clothes for many months.

We are reworking plastic at the moment

Подпишитесь на меня, пожалуйста

Ответ дал: Danya2999


Waste-This Is Waste Don't Touch It.

Through-You Can't Through This.

Damage-I Think I Have Damage

Drop-Drop This Item Or Else

Rubbish-This Is Rubbish Drop It!

Danger-This Place In Danger,You Coming With me.

consume-I Think You Need Consume It.

Renewable-This Item Now Renewable!

Reduce-We Need Reduce Corruption!

Reusing-Reusing This Item Can Be Good For you.

Reworking-Reworking Of This Item Is Good!

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