Дайте ответы на поставленные вопросы (не менее 2 полных предложений на каждый)

1) What is your favourite animal? Why do you like it?

2) What do you usually do at the weekend?

3) What is your favourite celebration? Why?


Ответ дал: parushaleksandr2


1. My favourite animal: pig, dog and cat

2. I have went to the magazine

3. My favourite celebration: happy birthday

Ssashaf: Человек же попросил более раскрытые ответы
Ответ дал: AbuBie

1. My favourite animal is panda. Because pandas are very cute and funny. I also like to watch these cute creatures play and eat bamboo.
2. Weekends are my favorite day of the week. And I prefer to spend these days just relaxing without any stress.
3. Most of all I like to celebrate my birthday. Because on this day I eat a lot of sweets, guests and my friends come to my house, and the most important thing is that I like to receive gifts from them.

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