III. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Present Continuous or Present Perfect.1.Sam (not finish) writing the poem yet. He (work) on the poem for six days.

2.Ben (look) for his pen, but he (not find) it yet.

3. Ann (write) a letter to her friend. She (not finish) it yet.

4. Maggy (wait) for Lilly in the hall. Lilly (not arrive) yet.

5. Alex (play) the guitar for three hours and he (still play).


Ответ дал: Kostolomik


Sam has not finished writing the poem yet. He has been working on the poem for six days.

Ben has been looking for his pen, but he has not found it yet.

Ann has been  writing a letter to her friend. She has not finished it yet.

Maggy has been waiting for Lilly in the hall. Lilly has not arrived yet.

Alex has been playing the guitar for three hours and he is still playing.



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