Поместите глаголы в скобках в простое прошедшее время.

1.Sue ...(cook) spaghetti last night.

2.I ...( not / like) like the film. It wasn't interesting.

3.I...(not / eat) anything. I just ...(drink) a glass of milk.

4.We ...(play) in the park last Sunday.

5. ...( he / visit) London last year?-No, he ... . He ...(visit) Spain.

6. ...( you / make) a cake yesterday?- Yes,I ... . I ...(make) a big birthday cake for Jim.

7.They ... (see) him two days ago.

20 баллов.


Ответ дал: kiisonia60


1. Sue cooked spaghetti last night.

2. I didn't like the film. It wasn't interesting.

3.I didn't eat anything. I have just drunk a glass of milk.

4. We played in the park last Sunday.

5. Did he visited London last year?- No, he didn't. He visited Spain.

6. Did you make a cake yesterday? Yes, I did. I made a big birthday cake for Jim.

7. They saw him two days ago.


Ответ дал: GrigoryKashin


1)Sue cooked spaghetti last night
2) I don't like this film. It wasn't interesting
3) I don't eat anything. I just drink a glass of milk
4) We played in the park last Sunday
5) He visited London last year? no he doesn't. He visited Spain
6) Did you make a cake yesterday? Yes, I did. I made a big birthday cake for Jim
7) They saw him two days ago


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