Розкрити дужки, вживаючи відповідну форму дієприкметника: 1) (to write) her first text- book, she thought about the next book.
2) (to run) in anger, he gave me money with trembling hands.
3) (to prescribe) the medicine, the doctor left our house.
4) ( to see) that nobody was coming, Tom rose.
5) (to hear) that man's steps, the wolf disappeared.
6) we are going to London, ( to have) relative there.
7) the wind blew ( to bring) the smell of coffee.
8) they approached the boys ( to water) the flowers.
9) (to hear) his voice, we stepped.
10) she felt tired ( to run) such a long distance.
11) while ( to translate) the text you may use a dictionary.
12) I looked up and saw the sky ( to light up with) by the setting sun.


Ответ дал: sofiasavych21a

The answers

1.Having written

2.Having run

3.Having prescribed

4.Having seen

5.Having heard




9.Having heard

10.Having run


12.lighting up

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