Present Simple or Present Perfect.
1. Peter… football yesterday.
a) played b) has played c) have played
2. They … the car. It looks new again.
a) cleaned b) has cleaned c) have cleaned
3. Last year we … to Italy.
a) went b) has gone c) have gone
4. John and Peggy … the book. Now they can watch the film.
a) read b) has just read c) have just read
5. I … my friend two days ago.
a) met b) has met c) have met
6. We … another country before.
a) visited b) have never visited c) has never visited
7. She … a new car in 2011.
a) bought b) has bought c) have bought
8. I'm sorry, but I … my homework.
a) forgotten b) has forgotten c) have forgotten
9. … the game of chess?
a) Did you win b) Has you won c) Have you won
10.The girls … their lunch yet.
a) did not eat b) has not eaten c) have not eaten


Ответ дал: Yuldashovaleyla


1 a

2 c

3 a

4 c

5 a

6 b

7 a

8 a

9 c

10 c

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