Инглиз тили
1. Choose the appropriate articles.
Usmanovs have ... nice house.
house isn't large, but it is comfortable.
A) The/an/The B)-/a/The
C) The/the/The D) The/a/A
E) The/a/The
2. Choose the appropriate article.
Uncle Ikrom was ... old man with ...
white hair.
A) the/a B) an/- C) an/the
D) an/a E) the/the
3. Choose the appropriate articles.
... first thing we must do is to have some
food and then go out for... long walk.
A) A/the B) The/a C) The/the
D) A/a E) The/-
4. Choose the appropriate articles.
United Kingdon includes ... Great
Britain and ... Northern Ireland.
A) The/-/- B) The/the/the C) -/-/-
D) -/-/the E) The/the/-
5. Choose the appropriate articles.
Amu-Darya flows into ... Aral Sea.
A) The/the B) An/an C) -/-
D) The/an E) The/-
6. Choose the appropriate prepositions.
The American delegation arrived
...Uzbekistan on the first of May and left
Washington in a week.
A) in/on B) at/on C) in/in
D) to/on E) in/for
7. Choose the appropriate preposition.
Aziz is the person I can rely...
A) upon B) at C) - D) after
E) to
8. Choose the appropriate prepositions.
I am not interested ... football at all, but
I'm keen ... Uzbek Kurash.
A) in/on B)-/on C) at/after
D) in/in E) in/at
9. Choose the appropriate prepositions.
Our daughter has entered ... the
university. We are proud... her.
A) into/of B)-/for C)-/by D)-/of
E) into/-
10. Choose the appropriate synonym for the
underlined word.
He posted the letter a week ago.
C) sold D) lost
A) threw B) sent
B) sent
E) left
11. Choose the appropriate synonyms to the
underlined words.
Jane Eyre's aunt was rude and unjust to
A) cruel/unfair B) good/kind
C) cruel/good D) selfish/despotic
E) furious/beloved
12. Choose the appropriate synonym to the
underlined word.
I was late for the train yesterday.
A) missed B) caught C) waited.
D) saw
E) found
13. Choose the appropriate antonym to the
underlined word.
The children were asleep, weren't they?
A) awake B) afraid C) excited
D) angry E) alone
14. Choose the appropriate antonym to the
underlined word.
Is it safe to cross the river in that place?
A) possible B) advisable
C) dangerous D) important
E) necessary
15. Choose the appropriate antonym to the
underlined word.
The entrance exams will be held here.
A) new B) former C) final
D) music E) latest
16. Choose the appropriate antonym to the
underlined word.
The oranges are sweet.
A) big B) sour C) dry D) tasty
E) fine
20. C
21. Ch
22. Cho
23. Cho
24. Chc

kimleonid089: Извините это не я писал а робот по фотографии
mmmm2007: ничего)
mmmm2007: а я с компа писала, так не удобно..
mmmm2007: щас с тела)


Ответ дал: mmmm2007


1. A - не точно

2. A

3. E

4. C - не точно

5. С

8. A

9. C

12. A - не точно

Объяснение: прости что смогла) отметь как лучший) удачи)

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