What are the most popular sports with Brits? 2. What do you know about "soccer" and "rugger"? 3. Why does the game of cricket baffle the foreigners? 4. What sports attract middle-aged people? 5. What sports have English names? 6. What world-famous sports events do you know?​


Ответ дал: 88abymanya14

Ответ: 1. In Britain, such sports as soccer, rugger, american football, petting, and cricket are common.

2. Soccer is a team ball game, during which players must score as many goals as possible into the goal. The game involves 11 players from each team - goalkeeper, forwards, foot fan, and defenders. The rugger is almost identical to the socker, except that you can take the ball with your hands.

3. Cricket is completely different from the traditional British football sports games. Sports accessories such as bats are actively used in it. It is also surprising that women are forbidden to play this sport.

4. Middle-aged people are attracted to all the games stipulated in the previous paragraphs, as well as such games as: golf, billiards, Russian roulette and tennis.

5. English names have a huge number of games, such as swimming tennis, boxing, defloration shooting and gymnastics.

6. The most world-famous sporting event is, of course, the Olympic Games. You can also recall such events as: Paralympic Games, world championships, various Grand Prix.

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