Complete the article with the verbs in brackets. Use the present passive or the past passive form. Rock band East (a) (form) in London in 2006. Their first album (b) (record) in 2007 and their second album (c) (release) last month. The album (d) (play) on the radio all the time now, and their website (e) (visit) every day by thousands of teenagers. Usually, the lyrics of their songs (f) (write) by singer Jade Hughes, and the music (g) (compose) by guitarist Luke Farley. But their new single (h) (write) last year by their drummer, Natasha Gray.​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


Rock band East (a) was formed in London in 2006. Their first album (b) was recorded in 2007 and their second album (c) was released last month. The album (d) is played on the radio all the time now, and their website (e) is visited every day by thousands of teenagers. Usually, the lyrics of their songs (f) are written by singer Jade Hughes, and the music (g) is composed by guitarist Luke Farley. But their new single (h) was written last year by their drummer, Natasha Gray.


Present Simple Passive : am/is/are +V3

Past Simple Passive : was/were +V3

a) Past Simple Passive. Показатель - in 2006.

b) Past Simple Passive. Показатель - in 2007.

c) Past Simple Passive. Показатель - last month.

d) Present Simple Passive. Показатель - now.

e) Present Simple Passive. Показатель - every day.

f) Present Simple Passive. Показатель - usually.

g) Present Simple Passive. Показатель - usually.

h) Past Simple Passive. Показатель - last year. #SPJ1

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