a) Will you help me ... the ironing? b) Nick has ... fatter since he stopped smoking. c) Our plane ... over the mountains. The view was wonderfu d) Paula ... 40,000 pounds a year in her job. e) Jack ... a race last week​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


a) Will you help me with the ironing? b) Nick has become fatter since he stopped smoking. c) Our plane was flying over the mountains. The view was wonderful d)Paula earns 40,000 pounds a year in her job. e) Jack had a race last week.​


Ответ дал: galina572319


Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms.

a) Will you help me do the ironing?

b) Nick has become fatter since he stopped smoking.

c) Our plane was flying over the mountains. The view was wonderful.

d) Paula earns 40,000 pounds a year in her job.

e) Jack won a race last week.​


a) Вы поможете мне гладить?

b) Ник стал полнее с тех пор, как бросил курить.

c) Наш самолет летел над горами. Вид был чудесный.

d) Паула зарабатывает на своей работе 40 000 фунтов в год.

e) Джек выиграл гонку на прошлой неделе.​

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