Дополните предложения правильной формой глагола, данного в пассивной форме.
1 The book Twilight (write) in 2007.

2 White coats (wear) in labs.

3 This photo (take) when I was five.

4 Bread (make) here every day.

5 I didn't understand the words of the last song because it (sing) in French.

6 The pyramids (build) long ago.

7 English and French (speak) here.


Ответ дал: coileee


1 The book Twilight was written in 2007.

2 White coats are worn in labs.

3 This photo was taken when I was five.

4 Bread is made here every day.

5 I didn't understand the words of the last song because it was sung in French.

6 The pyramids were built long ago.

7 English and French are spoken here.

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