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Ответ дал: Yasya1234567


My ideal person is my childhood best friend. She is very kind, sweet and a good person.

We met at the age of 5, thanks to the fact that our parents were friends.

We were very different: she lived in a rich family, and I in a poor one. She loved the things I hated and vice versa. But this did not prevent us from being friends, and although we often quarreled, over time it only strengthened our friendship.

Every day we found new adventures and we were afraid that our parents would find out about it: climbing abandoned buildings, leaving for other cities, and the like.

When I was 9 years old, we had to leave - I went to another country. I still miss her, but at the same time we continue to communicate on the Internet and I sincerely believe that we will still have the opportunity to meet.


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