Написати розповідь на тему Safety advices. (Безпечні поради для дому, відпочинку) на англійському срочно!


Ответ дал: ertyfg



Safety is important for every person in life. Feeling safe disappears the feeling of anxiety and tension. In order to be safe enough to do a few simple things: you should not leave the house late at night, as well as avoid sparsely populated places. Also keep an eye on the people around you, maybe you notice something suspicious in them?

They also use security for their personal data, which needs to be protected. If an attacker finds out your personal data, such as your passport or Bank cards, they can easily withdraw money from your account or take a loan in your name. To prevent this, take care of your documents and try not to lose them anywhere. What would be safe is worth sticking to just a few points. I can also advise you not to talk to strangers and do not let them call from your phone. Always be alert and careful.

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