es. 4 SPEAKING a Look at question 1 below. What words are missing in the present perfect question? What words are missing in the past simple question? What form do you need of the verb in bold? Recently... Present perfect Past simple 1 / be to the cinema recently? What / see?/ like it? What / buy? 2 / buy any new clothes recently? 3/ have a really good meal recently? 4/ be to a sports match recently? Where/go? What / have? / your team win? In your life... Present perfect Past simple What programme / it? Where / lose it? / find it? What / win it for? Who / it? What / say? 5/ ever be on TV? 6/ ever lose your mobile? 7 / ever win a cup or medal? 8 / ever speak to a famous person?​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


1. Have you been to the movie theater recently?
What did you see? Did you like it?
2. Have you bought new clothes recently?
 What did you buy?
3. Have you had a really good meal recently?
 Where did you go? What did you have?
4. Have you been to a sports event recently?
Did your team win?
5. Have you ever been on TV?
What TV show did you see? Did you like it?
6. Have you ever lost your cell phone?
Where did you lose it? Did you find it?
7. Have you ever won a cup or medal?
What did you win it for?
8. Have you ever spoken to a famous person?
Who did you speak to? What did he say?
Вопросительные предложения:
Past Simple (общий вопрос) Did+подлежащее+V1+в.ч.п.?
Past Simple (специальный вопрос)
Специальное слово+did+подлежащее+V1+в.ч.п.?

Вопросительные предложения:
Present Perfect (общий вопрос)
Present Perfect (специальный вопрос)
Специальное слово+have/has+подлежащее+V3/Ved+в.ч.п.?
*Has для  he/she/it
Если глагол неправильный, его нужно выучить.  Для Present Perfect нужна 3я форма глагола:
Buy -bought -bought

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