
1. Оберіть правильну відповідь. Запиши лише номер речення та обране слово.

1) She calls yourself /herself the smartest girl in the class.

2) We have organized the festival ourselves/myself.

3) I herself/ myself wanted to check all the details of the plan.

4) My parents grow these wonderful tomatoes yourselves/themselves.

5) He couldn’t see it, but I saw it himself / my self.

6) Our mother needs help, she can’t do all the housework herself /ourselves.

7) Sam couldn’t phone herself/himself and asked me to phone you.

8) I’m awfully sorry to tell this, but the computer destroyed the programme itself/himself.

9) The children made the New Year toys yourselves/themselves.

10) Bob and Ron will make the project themselves/ourselves.

2. Поставте дієслова у правильну форму, використовуючи Past Simple чи Past Perfect.

1) The storm ( destroy) the house that they had built.

2) When she went out to play, she ( do already) her homework.

3) The children ( clean) the blackboard they had used to do the
mathematics exercise.

4) He took off the jacket he ( put on) before.

5) They (eat) all of the food that she had made.​


Ответ дал: leohreem



1.She calls herself the smartest girl in the class.

2.We have organized the festival ourselves.

3.I myself  wanted to check all the details of the plan.

4.My parents grow these wonderful tomatoes themselves

5.He couldnt see it,but I saw it myself.

6.Our mother needs help,she cant do all the housework herself.

7.Sam couldnt phone himself and  asked me to phone you.

8.The computer destroyed the programme itself.


1) destroyed

2) cleaned

3) had already done

4) ate

5) had put on

Ответ дал: ObemaHunter



1) herself

2) ourselves

3) myself

4) themselves

5) myself

6) herself

7) himself

8) itself

9) themselves

10) themselves


1) destroyed

2) had already done

3) cleaned

4) had put on

5) ate

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