IW. Read the text and decide if one or both of the words in italics are correct in each case.
Going to school
I didn't (1) use to/would like the journey to school. I (2) used to/would
go by bus, but I was afraid of the other children. They were bigger than
me, and they (3) used to/would shout at me. I always sat at the back of
the bus, even though it (4) used to/would be the hottest place, and I (5)
used to/would hope that no one could see me. It's funny to think that
those boys were probably only eight years old, but I (6) used to/would
be so frightened.


Ответ дал: alifidan2008


(1) use to

(2) use to

(3) used to

(4) would

(5) would

(6) used to

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