*Вставьте пропущенные слова*. (beautiful, journey, interest, plane, around, tourists, country, busy) . My friend has just returned from his holidays in Spain. He went there by … (1). He stayed at his friend's place not far from Ma- drid. Madrid is the capital of the … (2), it is an important and … (3) city. My friend went on a sightseeing tour … (4) the country. He visited a lot of places of … … (5) in the south of Spain. The weather was sunny and there were many … (6) at the seaside. Spain is a very … (7) tourist centre in summer. My friend enjoyed his … (8) very much. journey​


Ответ дал: nikakirichenkonika


1. plane

2. country

3. beautiful

4. around

5. interest

6. tourists

7. busy

8. journey

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