Collective nouns

1.A number of soldiers -

2.several people or things that are altogether in the same place.

3.a group of people who are together in the same place for a particular purpose or for social reason.

4. an organization for people who share a particular interest in smth.

5. people who write reports for press, radio or television.

XxDayDreemerxX: 1) soldiers- army aka people who works for army
XxDayDreemerxX: like this??
Frog753: Yeah
XxDayDreemerxX: 2) croud of people/ gathering of people
XxDayDreemerxX: 5) News Reporter
XxDayDreemerxX: 3) meeting for public welfare
XxDayDreemerxX: 4) idk
XxDayDreemerxX: dude 4 one i really don't know
Frog753: Thanks)
XxDayDreemerxX: no problem:)


Ответ дал: XxDayDreemerxX

1) Army

2) Community

3) A Network

4) Society

5) News Reporter

Hope this helps you

Have a good day.

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