Change the sentences into the Passive Voice.

. At the
Puppet Theatre they put on performances both for children and adults.

2.    They will decorate the
auditorium beautifully next sea­son.

3.    He advised me to see
"Othello" by Shakespeare at this theatre.

4.    This play impressed him.

The actors rarely use very little make up.

Each actor performes his part very realistically.

The stage director engaged the best actors in this per­formance.

8.    Adan wrote the music
of the ballet "Giselle."


Ответ дал: nunny
1. Performances both for children and adults are put on at the Puppet Theatre.
2. The auditorium
will be beautifully decorated next sea­son.
3. I was advised by him to see "Othello" by Shakespeare at this theatre.
4. He was impressed
by this play.
Very little make up is rarely used by the actors.
6. Each actor's part
was performed very realistically.
The best actors were engaged by the stage director in this per­formance.
8. The music of the ballet "Giselle" was written by 
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