б) Перепишите предложения, вставляя вспомогательные глаголы shall и will там, где нужно. Прочитайте напи- санное. 1. 2. What ... you do when you ... go to the seaside? The game ... end when the clock ... shows three. 3. What sports ... you go in for if you ... go to live in Murmansk? 4. What ... we do if we ... come to the skating-rink late? 5. If we... win this game, we take first place. 6. When we ... get home Mother ... go shopping.
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Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. 2. What will you do when you go to the seaside? The game will end when the clock shows three. 3. What sports will you go in for if you  go to live in Murmansk? 4. What shall we do if we come to the skating-rink late? 5. If we win this game, we shall take first place. 6. When we get home Mother will  go shopping.


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