Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the modal verbs.

1. Dinosaurs … (to run) fast.

2. I read the book three times but I … (not to understand) it.

3. She is just eight months old but she … (to walk).

4. John … (to play tennis) really well. He’s champion of his club.

5. Kate is too small. She … (not to ride) a bike.

6. A boy was falling down but I ran up to him and … (to save) him.

7. … you (to hear) this unpleasant sound?

8. … you (to read) when you were five?

9. My mother … (not to explain) anything to her sister, so she didn’t even try to do it.

10. … you (to understand) anything now?

11. I … (not to open) this window. I think it’s stuck!

15. Who … (to do) this work?

16. The doctor examined her but … (to find) nothing wrong.

17. … you (to help) them?

18. I was sent an email but I … (not to open) that attachment.

Exercise 3. Translate into English and comment on the modal verbs.

1. Я вас хорошо слышу.

2. Когда ей было три года, она умела кататься на велосипеде (to ride a bike).

3. Ты помнишь, как ее зовут?

4. Ты слышала, что она говорила?

5. Я пойду с тобой в бассейн. Ты увидишь, что я умею быстро плавать.

6. Я не могу сказать точную дату своего отъезда.

7. Мы могли бы ему помочь, но подумали, что он недостоин этого.

8. Мне удалось завершить работу над своей книгой три года назад.

9. Он не мог переводить сложные тексты, когда учился на первом курсе.

11. Она живет в Чикаго, как я помню.

12. Мы смогли только рассмотреть (to make out) здание через деревья.

13. Ты смог описать грабителя полиции?

14. Вчера я пошла спать поздно, но уснуть сразу не смогла.

15. Я не умела кататься на коньках в десять лет. А сейчас я катаюсь очень хорошо.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the modal verbs.

1. … I (to ask) you a question?

2. … we (to help) you find your seats?

3. … I (to have) your phone number, please?

4. ‘I have a high blood pressure. Maybe I should go to the chemist’s and buy some medicine forit.’ ‘You … also (to consult) your doctor.’

5. … I (to use) your calculator?


Ответ дал: kimglam887



1. Dinosaurs ran fast.

2. I read the book three times, but I understood it.

3. She is only eight months old, but she still walks.

4. John plays tennis very well. He is the champion of his club.

5. Kate is too small. She does not ride a bicycle.

6. The boy fell, but I ran to him to save him.

7.… did you hear this unpleasant sound?

8. Did you read when you were five?

9. My mother didn't explain anything to her sister, so she didn't even try.

10.… did you understand something now?

11. I do not open this window. I think I'm stuck!

15. Who did this work?

16. The doctor examined her, but found nothing wrong.

17.… did you help them?

18. I was sent an email, but I did not open this attachment.



1. I can hear you well.

2. When she was three years old, she knew how to ride a bike (to ride a bike).

3. Do you remember her name?

4. Did you hear what she said?

5. I will go to the pool with you. You will see that I can swim fast.

6. I cannot say the exact date of my departure.

7. We could help him, but we thought that he was not worthy of it.

8. I managed to complete my book three years ago.

9. He couldn't translate difficult texts when he was in his first year.

11. She lives in Chicago, as I remember.

12. We could only see (to make out) the building through the trees.

13. Could you describe the robber to the police?

14. Yesterday I went to bed late, but I could not fall asleep right away.

15. I couldn't skate at the age of ten. And now I ride very



1.… Did I ask you a question?

2. Are we here to help you find your places?

3.… I have your phone number, please?

4. "I have high blood pressure. Maybe I should go to the pharmacy and buy medicine. " "You should also consult your doctor."

5.… Did I use your calculator?

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